Saturday, 4 May 2013

MAIN Post 12.7: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Overall, I felt that as a group we managed to look back on our preliminary task and take note of our errors and then when it came to filming and editing our main task we were able to improve on them and develop them a lot better than previous. Also, when editing we were a lot more comfortable with the process and that meant that we were able to get it done quicker, efficiently and to a better standard than previous. Our main task ‘Contamination’ was improved dramatically compared to the preliminary task as in our preliminary task we lost some of our footage and had to re-film. Therefore this caused us some problems which could of been avoided if we took more care. Although we took a few days to film our main task, the shots were a lot better than previously as we were organised and took more effort to perfect them. Overall, our main task flowed a lot better and the shots went well together and with careful editing we allowed this to look the best that we could.

MAIN Post 12.6: Question 6

 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

MAIN Post 12.5: Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?
We decided as a group we needed to attract our audience to our film in more than one way. Together we decided that we needed to use different techniques in order to do so. We wanted to have our audience guessing and on their toes throughout wondering what may happen next. Using these techniques I think that we managed to keep our audience engrossed throughout and then allowed them to constantly wonder what might happen next and to carry on watching.

MAIN Post 12.4: Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience is 12A, which means anyone over the age of 12 and below if their parents approve. We decided on this age because of the research that we had done into the genre of action adventure films in our pre-production. We found that most action adventure films were either 12 or 12A so then we decided that this would also be the right audience to target our film towards.

From our pre-production we conducted a survey in order to come to a decision of what genre film to produce. We gave this survey to a number of students aged 16-18 and they placed action adventure as their second best genre type of film. This gave as an idea that perhaps action adventure would be best to go with as it is favourable in different audience ages.

We used a young male actor as the main character to make it more appealing to a teenage/younger audience which would arguably be the audience who would more than likely watch the film, this is because our research has gave us this impression.

Therefore, our target audience is spread across a number of ages from teen to young adult this allows us to have a varied audience and not excluded any age groups. This would allow us to, if this film was produced entirely, to gain as much profit as possible via the different types of audience that we could attract.


MAIN Post 12.3: Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I did some research into what film production companies would be best to distribute our film. Firstly I looked at one of the Big Six studios, Warner Brothers, however then I decided to look at a British company, Vertigo Films. I also researched how an independent production company like this would fund their films.

MAIN Post 12.2: Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

MAIN Post 12.1: Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?